Recruitment News
Sealed tender is hereby invited as per the schedule annexed to this notice on behalf of the Chairman, Executive Committee of Zoram Medical College from reputed and bonafide Firms/ Agencies, for Outsourcing of 42 nos. of Manpower (Security) under Zoram Medical College which can be obtained at the office Chamber of the Director with a fee of Rs. 1500 and will be received by the Director, Zoram Medical College, Falkawn, Mizoram on or before 10th April, 2024 up to 12:00 Noon. Tenders are to be opened by the Technical Committee under the chairmanship of Director, Zoram Medical College (ZMC), Falkawn, or his authorized representatives at 1:00 PM on the same day. The Tenderers or their representatives may also be present at the time of opening of the Quotations, if they so desire. Details are also available at